SALARY CALCULATION OF {{ $job_judul }} {{ strtoupper($company_name) }} |
PERIODE : {{ $archive[0]['periode'] }} |
No. | Employee Name |
Starting Period |
Job Role |
Basic Salary |
Intensive Fee. |
Monthly Allow. |
Attend | OT | Transport Allow. |
Out of Town |
Sub Total |
Mgt. Fee {{ $archive[0]['presentase_agent_fee'] }} |
Total |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
{{ $no+1 }} | {{ $archives['driver']['full_name'] }} | {{ date('d-m-Y', $archives['detail']['tanggal_masuk']) }} | {{ $statusview}} | {{ $archives['basic_salary'] }} | {{ $archives['other_allowance'] }} | {{ $archives['monthly_allowance'] }} | {{ $archives['att_value'] }} | {{ App\Helpers\utilitiesHelper::viewNumberWithCommaAndDecimal(str_replace(',', '', $archives['ot_norm_value']) * 1 + str_replace(',', '', $archives['ot_hol_value']) * 1) }} | {{ $archives['trans_value'] }} | {{ number_format(str_replace(',', '', $archives['out_town_value']) * 1 + str_replace(',', '', $archives['out_over_value']) * 1) }} | {{ App\Helpers\utilitiesHelper::viewNumberWithComma($archives['total']) }} | {{ App\Helpers\utilitiesHelper::viewNumberWithComma($archives['agent_fee']) }} | {{ App\Helpers\utilitiesHelper::viewNumberWithComma($archives['total'] + str_replace(',', '', $archives['agent_fee'])+$archives['car_rent_fee']) }} |
SUB TOTAL | {{ App\Helpers\utilitiesHelper::viewNumberWithComma($invoice_data['total_invoice_value']) }} | {{ App\Helpers\utilitiesHelper::viewNumberWithComma($invoice_data['total_management_fee']) }} | {{ App\Helpers\utilitiesHelper::viewNumberWithComma($subtotal) }} | ||||||||||
TOTAL PAYMENT | {{ App\Helpers\utilitiesHelper::viewNumberWithComma($grand_total) }} |